Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Well we made it to the catacombs where the next clue was. Shockingly Alastair was there and told us that he lost us at the house and thought we had died. Not sure I believe him but he did later save us when Ian and Natalie were about to shoot us with a dart gun! Still going to go with the whole “Trust No One” theory. We escaped further into the tunnels. The only way we were able to get out was by climbing through this window like door that led into the subway. OMG it was scary. We had to run fast to the later to get on the platform before the next train came. I am not sure what happened but Dan became really upset. He lost his backpack because it got caught and then the train took it away. He almost DIED! I am so glad he is okay. I just wish I knew why he is so upset about his pack. Well we have to go fast. Before the police come and ask us too many questions. The clue we found needs solved so we can move on. So glad Dan is with me and surprisingly Nellie too.

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